Thursday, September 30, 2010

Makeover time!

So before I tried to apply the book pages to my GIANT cabinet I wanted to see what it would look like with this smaller one.  The green was already screaming for a makeover so why not???

An easy paint job and a few old pages out of a book can change so much!  I just love this now.  It was kinda scary attempting this I will admit, it bubbled up so much I thought I did something wrong, but after a few hours it dried completely flat.


  1. I'm still mustering up courage to makeover some of our furniture. I'm so impressed at the way you seem to do one a day, by the sounds of your blog!!

  2. Good job! Decoupaging is a great way to change the whole feel of a piece. Now is that one large door on the front of this? That looks like great storage.

  3. Looks outstanding! Hope you have a FUN weekend!

